02. Channel

As each channel type has different requirements to connect, we explain how to connect those in different pages.

Connect Channel - Youtube

Connect your Youtube channel 1. Navigate to CHANNELS > Connect channel and click Youtube button. 2. If you agree, please check the box and click the Youtube button on the bottom right of the pop-up. 3. It will forward you to confirmation page of Google after signing in to your

  Updated at  Sep 01, 2023
Connect Channel - TikTok

Connect to TikTok 1. Navigate to CHANNELS > Connect channel and click TikTok button. 2. It will forward you to confirmation page of LinkedIn. If you agree with what Robopost can do, please click Authorize. 3. After the browser forward you to Robopost's page, click CHANNELS > Channels

  Updated at  Sep 01, 2023
Connect Channel - Instagram

Requirements for connecting Instagram profile 1. Your Instagram account must be Professional. *¹ You can change its profile type. (Find more at Instagram Help Center) 2. Your Instagram account is linked to a Facebook Page that you are an admin of. (Find more at Instagram Help Center) Connect to Instagram 1.

  Updated at  Sep 01, 2023
Connect Channel - Facebook Page

Requirements for connecting Pages 1. You must have an Admin or an Editor role of classic Facebook Pages, or Facebook access with full control or partial control for new Pages. (Find more at Facebook Help Center) 2. You need to turn on two-factor authentication for your Facebook account. (Find more

  Updated at  Sep 01, 2023

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