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The bulk import feature allows you to create and schedule multiple posts at once. Mastering this feature will save you valuable time. Let's explore how to use it.

Download a tepmplate file

To start with bulk import, openPOST > Scheduled posts and click CSV Bulk Import.

You can download a template by clicking Example CSV file.

Edit CSV file

Now let's edit the CSV file you just downloaded. Open the CSV file, and add, edit, or delete rows as needed. We provide 3 columns for input, and each column will be imported as follows:

  • 1st column: Text Content *
  • 2nd column: Image/Video URL
  • 3rd column: Date and Time(UTC) *

* required

The 2nd column is optional. If you are not adding an image or video to your posts, leave it blank. In the 3rd column, please set the date and time you want to publish in UTC.

Text Content

Image/Video URL

Date and Time(UTC)

Example text 1

{URL of the image/video}


Example text 2


Example text 3

{URL of the image/video}


Upload CSV file

Let's return to the bulk import page. Click Upload CSV and select the CSV file you created. The upload may take 5 to 60 seconds, depending on the amount of content.

Once completed, you will see the content you uploaded on the screen. Now, let's set up channels and other detailed information.

Import Destination
Select the destination where you want to import content in the Select Import Destination. You can choose from Schedule, Draft or Post Collection on the left.

Select the channel where you want to schedule posts. You can choose channels individually for each piece of content, or set the same channels at once using Select Channels on the left.

If you want to add tags to the content, select them under Post Tags for each piece of content, or you can apply the same tags at once using Select Tags.

Recurring options
If you want to post the content repeatedly, switch on Recurring Post for each piece of content, or you can adjust the setting for all content using Recurring options on the left.

The default schedule is set based on the uploaded CSV file. You can also modify the date and time on this page.

Import contents

Once it's ready to import, click Start Importing posts. You will see Posts import was successful when the process is fully completed.

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