Delete Telegram Account

Delete Telegram Account

Deleting your Telegram account is straightforward. This secure messaging app offers end-to-end encrypted messages, video calling, VoIP, and file sharing. However, you might reach a point where you want to terminate your account. This guide will explain how to delete Telegram and the reasons you might consider doing so.


  1. Why You Might Want to Delete Your Telegram Account
  2. What to Do Before Deleting Your Telegram Account
  3. How to Export Your Data Before Leaving Telegram
  4. How to Delete Your Telegram Account
    • Adjust Account Self-Destruction Settings
    • Delete Your Telegram Account Manually
  5. Can You Recover a Deleted Telegram Account?
  6. Enhancing Your Online Security

Why You Might Want to Delete Your Telegram Account

Telegram is renowned for being a secure alternative to other messaging apps. While it is generally recommended, there are several reasons why some users might want to delete their account:

  1. Security Issues: Telegram has faced some security challenges, including incidents where hackers spread malware through the app. Organizations like Stiftung Warentest and the Committee to Protect Journalists have also raised concerns about its security.
  2. Message Deletion by Others: Telegram allows anyone to delete chat messages without notifying the author. This could lead to manipulation as chat participants might alter the content by removing messages.
  3. Unproven Security Protocol: Telegram uses MTProto, a proprietary protocol that many cryptographers criticize for its lack of transparency and potential vulnerabilities. Users might prefer a messaging app with a more proven and transparent security protocol.

What to Do Before Deleting Your Telegram Account

Before permanently deleting your Telegram account, consider the following:

  • Permanent Deletion: Deactivating your Telegram account will permanently delete all your contacts, messages, groups, and channels. This action cannot be undone.
  • No Data Restoration: Even if you sign up for Telegram again, you won't be able to restore your previous messages, channels, or contact lists.

How to Export Your Data Before Leaving Telegram

Exporting your data is simple:

  1. Open the Telegram app and go to Settings.
  2. Select Export Telegram Data.
  3. Choose Export Chat History and specify the data you want to export.
  4. Select the device to which you want to save your Telegram data.

How to Delete Your Telegram Account

Adjust Account Self-Destruction Settings

Telegram accounts are set to self-destruct after a period of inactivity. By default, this period is six months, but you can adjust it between one and twelve months:

  1. Open the Telegram app and go to Settings.
  2. Navigate to Privacy & Security.
  3. Scroll down and select If Away For.
  4. Choose the desired inactivity period (e.g., 1 month).

Delete Your Telegram Account Manually

To manually delete your Telegram account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Telegram Deactivation Page on any mobile or desktop web browser.
  2. Enter your phone number in the international format (e.g., +[country code][city or carrier code][your number]) and click Next.
  3. You will receive a confirmation code in your Telegram app. Enter this code on the deactivation page and click Sign In.
  4. Optionally, provide a reason for leaving, then click Done.
  5. Confirm your decision by clicking Yes, delete my account in the popup window.

Can You Recover a Deleted Telegram Account?

Once you delete your Telegram account, it cannot be recovered. All associated data, including chat history and contacts, will be permanently lost. To use Telegram again, you will need to create a new account with your phone number.